BLUE-POINT AIRHOSE35 Air Hose For Easy Maneuverability
BLUE-POINT AIRHOSE35 Air Hose For Easy Maneuverability
The BLUE-POINT AIRHOSE35 Air Hose is designed for easy maneuverability, making it perfect for a wide range of uses. Its flexible design allows for maximum mobility while its durable construction ensures long-lasting performance. This air hose is a must-have for any industrial or DIY project.
• Extremely lightweight for easy maneuverability
• Reinforced construction eliminates layer separation
resulting from expansion and contraction during
pulsating operations
• More abrasion resistant than PVC and rubber hoses
• Easy to wrap and store even in subzero weather
• UV stabilized for longer outdoor life
• Strain relief features a tight bending radius to virtually
eliminate hose kinking
• Reusable fittings and strain reliefs for longer life