Didirikan pada tahun 1925, Blue-Point Tool Company dibentuk di Wisconsin, Amerika Serikat, sebagai perusahaan manufaktur Tools. Nama Blue-Point diambil dari ujung pukulan & pahat berwarna biru yang terbentuk setelah pendinginan dan tempering minyak. Hal ini membedakan produk Blue-Point dari produk pesaing dan Blue-Point akhirnya menjadi merek yang identik dengan perkakas tangan berkualitas.
Banner Blue Point

Founded in 1925, Blue-Point Tool Company was formed in Wisconsin, United States, as a Tools manufacturing company. The Blue-Point name was derived then from the blue-coloured tips of punches & chisels formed after oil quenching and tempering. This distinguished Blue-Point's products from competitors' and Blue-Point eventually became a brand synonymous with quality hand tools.

Blue Point Catalogs

BPCAT1800 Blue-Point Catalogue