YEW AIK AK00010 Alnor Balometer, JR - 0 to 1400 CFM
YEW AIK AK00010 Alnor Balometer, JR - 0 to 1400 CFM
The YEW AIK AK00010 Alnor Balometer, JR is a tool used to measure air flow in a variety of settings, such as HVAC systems, clean rooms, and laboratories. With a range of 0 to 1400 CFM, this balometer provides precise and accurate readings, allowing professionals to optimize air flow for maximum efficiency.
The Alnor Balometer, JR. is a reliable, accurate tool for assessing air quality and ventilation in indoor environments. This device measures airflow, fan speed, and pressure, helping users ensure optimal safety and comfort.
Alnor Balometer, JR.
• Ideal for anyone needing quick, accurate air volume reading from a portable capture hood
• Balometer Jr. fits directly over air supply and return (grilles, diffusers or filter panels)
• Select from three ranges to measures 0 to 200 CFM, 100 to 600 CFM, and 400 to 1400 CFM
• Low cost, Light weight, versatile and designed for hard-to-reach places
• 1 year warranty